Marumi Kumquat Jam (Mứt Quất) is one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes for your Lunar New Year Holiday. Most Vietnamese people makes this dessert in this special event of country. Moreover, you can eat in normal days when your throat get hurt. It can help feel better. When I was a child, I always went to one store near my granddad’s house and buy 2 – 3 fruits to enjoy, especially when I get bad mood. If you are living in Vietnam or visit here in this time, make sure you will not miss this amazing dessert.
In addition, you can make it at home through my mom recipe. It is really really really easy than you think. By some simple steps and you can create one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes for your beloved family and friends. When you are ready, please follow our instructions below and let us start cooking right now.


1,2kg marumi kumquat fruits
600gr white sugar
½ teaspoon cooking lime (Vôi) – buy at Vietnamese Markets
1 lemon fruit.


Step 1: Clean marumi kumquat fruit in water added a little salt (2 – 3 times). Use your hand gently to clean the cover of them. Wait to dry.

Step 2: Mix cooking lime (vôi) in water (2 – 3 liters) in 3 – 4 hours. Do not touch when waiting.

Step 3: After clean marumi kumquat, use one finger to keep the stem and use knife to cut some thin lines around fruits. Then, press thinly and remove all seeds.

Step 4: Use the clear water (above) in step 2 and pour away the dregs below. Next, mix with 1 – 2 tablespoons water.
Step 5: Soak marumi kumquat into mixture (in step 4) about 5 – 7 hours. After than, clean kumquat again in clear water in 3 – 4 times carefully. Wait to dry.

Step 6: Here is the important step to create a special dessert for your Tet Holiday. Even it is one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes, but you should not neglect when making. 1kg kumquat = 600gr white sugar. Marinate through 1 night or from 8 – 10 hours to all sugar is melted.

Step 7: Next day, bring all them to cook in small heat in 20 minutes. Then add more 1 tablespoon lemon juice and continue cooking in 45 – 60 minutes until jam has brown yellow color and the sugar water gets thick. Turn off the heat.

Finally, your dessert for Tet Holiday is ready to serve. I am talking to my mom that we should make it for thi s special event. So excited. How about you? If you have kids, I bet they will totally fall in love with it. Good Luck for your Cooking and do not miss our other Easy Vietnamese Recipes next time. Happy Lunar New Year, everyone.
From Vietnamese Food Team.

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    Rebecka Evans 2015-12-14 15:32:51 Reply

    I'm confused at step 4, after I cut the cut fruit do I put them back into the Lime liquid or drain liquid and rest in clear water? the recipe states to add 1-2 tablespoons water and soak kumquats in mixture, what is the mixture? Sorry not sure how to

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      Jeni 2015-12-14 15:32:51

      I was wondering the same thing about the lime liquid. I think Vôi isn't lime like the citrus fruit, but lime like the caustic chemical. I'm guessing this based on the fact that 1 teaspoon of lime in 2-3 liters of water is a tiny amount, and also beca.

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