From many stunning Vietnamese Dessert Recipes, today I would like to introduce one ice-cream which I bet everyone will totally fall in love with it, especially in hot weather. It is called Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream (Kem Táo Vani). It not only is delicious, but also will create a strange flavor when eating. Most ingredients are found easily around your place.
Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream Recipe (Kem Táo Vani)
Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream Recipe (Kem Táo Vani)
When you are ready, please follow my instruction to create one of stunning Vietnamese Dessert Recipes for yourself and family. Trust me; it is worth when you decide to use your precious time for making this ice-cream with me. Let us together start right now.


100g dried red apples
180g sugar
6 yolks
400ml whipping cream
180g fresh milk
Vanilla attar.

Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream Recipe (Kem Táo Vani)

Step 1: Clean well dried red apples, soak in water about 15 minutes and bring to steam until they are cooked.

Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream Recipe (Kem Táo Vani)
Step 2: Mix fresh milk + yolks + sugar together into a big bowl. Stir well in 15 – 20 minutes. Next, add more some drops of vanilla attar.
Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream Recipe (Kem Táo Vani)
Step 3: Next, put this mixture onto cooking stove, do not stop stirring when cooking. Stir until this mixture becomes thick, turn off the heat and wait to get cold. Here is also the important step to create one of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes, so you should not neglect when making.
Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream Recipe (Kem Táo Vani)
Step 4: Then, stir hardly whipping cream until this cream sticks around chopstick. (Maybe you need 30 – 45 minutes for making this step).
Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream Recipe (Kem Táo Vani)
Step 5: Pour whipping cream in step 4 into mixture in step 3. Mix well.
Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream Recipe (Kem Táo Vani)
Step 6: Peel off the cover of dried red apples, weed out their seeds, slice red apple meat into small cubes.
Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream Recipe (Kem Táo Vani)
Step 7: Add sliced red apples into mixture in step 5 and stir well.
Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream Recipe (Kem Táo Vani)
Step 8: Pour this mixture onto glass pattern and put into fridge. Wait from 4 to 6 hours.
Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream Recipe (Kem Táo Vani)
Finally, your dessert is ready served. If you have kids, I bet they will totally fall in love with this ice-cream. The flavor has a little strange when we combine ice-cream with dried red apples. But no one can deny that it is really tasty. Hope you will choose to make one of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes like this one for your family. Have a good appetite and Good Luck for your Cooking.
Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream Recipe (Kem Táo Vani)
Vanilla with Apple Ice-cream Recipe (Kem Táo Vani)
From Vietnamese Food Team.

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