With many simple ingredients, you can create one of amazing Vietnamese Dish Recipes for all members in your family. And I would like to introduce Mixture Salad Fruits (Salad Hoa Quả), one of my favorite desserts to you. It is really simple for making and you will own a stunning meal after main meals. Moreover, eating fruits is the way to protect your health and skin.
Mixture Salad Fruits Recipe (Salad Hoa Quả)
Are you ready to make one of stunning Vietnamese Dish Recipes with me? Let us go straight to the market and buy fruits together.
Firstly, I want to say that you can choose any fruit you want to create one of amazing Vietnamese Dish Recipes like this one.
Step 1: Clean all fruits; then slice them into small cubes.
Step 2: Pour on bowl and mix gently. Next, add more condensed milk (dose depends on your flavor). Moreover, you can use fresh milk instead if you want.
Step 3: Add grinded ice on face and your dessert is ready served.
Finally, you already know how to make one of stunning Vietnamese Dish Recipes like this one for your family and yourself. It is really easy, right? Trust me; its flavor is also amazing. This dish will become an amazing dessert for all members in your family. If you have a party, why don’t you choose it for dessert meal? Hope you will have a good appetite and Good Luck for your Cooking.