Hi everyone, Today I will perform one of stunning Vietnamese Pho Recipes is Beef Balls Pho (Pho Bo Vien). By combining between pho noodles and beef balls will make more choice for everyone about Pho menu. Have you ever tasted it before? Most my friends who ate Pho from the first time, no one deny that it is really delicious. And of cource, they want to eat it again.
Beef Balls Pho - Pho Bo Vien
In addition, with traditional pho, recently many people like to eat Pho sate, the sweetness of the broth, the spicy heat of a chili pepper beef mingled with each beef balls appropriate with the winter weather. If you interested in Vietnamese Pho Recipes, this dish is also a choice for you to cook and eat. All ingredients to cook, you can find at Vietnamese Markets.

- 1kg beef bones tube
- 1/2 onion
- 2 to 3 tablespoons chili sate
- Some yellow rock sugar
- Beef Balls
- 1 piece of soft beef
- Salt, seasonings, anise flower, cinnamon sticks, cardamon.

- Barbed cilantro, basil, bean sprouts
- Chili sauce, and black sauce
- Pho noodle 

Firstly, Iwant to say that you should do all the steps carefully to cook one of delicious Vietnamese Pho Recipes better

Step 1:

- Onion peeled, washed, grilled on a charcoal fire or oven. 
- Beef balls slice in 2 parts.

- Chili, and black sauce, ladle pho into the bowl.
- Washed beef, sliced ​​to suit your taste.

Step 2: 

- Sate chili ladled into a bowl, use spoon mix all ingredients.
- Barbed cilantro, bean sprouts, herbs, cleaning, put on a basket to drain. 

Step 3: 

- Bones tube washed, rub with salt, vinegar into bone, dip in the boiling water once, and boil. Drop onions, ansie flower, cinnamon sticks, cardamon into common stew broth to fragrant, and then add few yellow rock sugar tunnels to have make broth sweet. 

Beef Balls Pho - Pho Bo Vien
Step 4:

- Bone tunnel for 30 minutes, and then scoop each spoon sate into the pot. 
- Boil until soft bones, after that you drop every beef balls on it, wait for the broth boiling, tasting again depending on your taste.

Step 5: 

- Pho noodles dip, and ladle into the bowl, dip beef into the broth, put the meat on pho. Souse the broth with some sliced beef balls.

To sum up, you have done one delicious dish from many amazing Vietnamese Pho Recipes. Serve when it is hot with chili sauce, black sauce, vegetables, and bean sprouts and chopped green onion. So, are you ready to cook it? Good luck for your cooking, and do not miss our other stunning recipes tomorrow.

From Vietnamese Food Team.


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