Hi everyone, recipes today is Mushrooms Hotpot. It is one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes. The price of this stunning dish is quite expensive, so it is also provided from luxury restaurants of Vietnam. As you may know, mushrooms have the same nutrition value as meat such as protein, and vitamin, eat 1 bowl of mushroom hotpot, you will receive a good health as well as a better skin.
Mushroom Hotpot - Lau Nam
So, are you ready to cook this amazing dish? If you want to know how to cook one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes, please follow our instructions below now.


1 kg chicken bones, rids
100 gram mushrooms, shiitake mushroom, Ganoderma mushroom, chicken legsmushrooms,enoki mushrooms, abalone mushrooms.

Spice, flour, alum, alum sugar, onion, noodles
200 gr shrimp, squid, salmon or beef (depending on the number of people eating)
300 gr Chrysanthemum vegetables.


Step 1: Preparation (I suggest that you should prepare carefully to make one of amazing Easy Vietnamese Recipes more delicious).

- Chicken bones or rib washed with salt, then rub alum and drain (broth will be pureand hygiene).
- All kind of mushrooms soaked in a litter of cold water, add two tablespoons flour on it, soak 30 minutes, then rinse. Then, put into the ice water, soak for about 15 minutes (for crispy mushrooms + white), take out and rinse.
-Smooth onion thinly, fried until gold and fragrant.
- Shrimp, squid, salmon washed. Shrimp and squid pin on sticks, slightly beef marinated pepper, MSG.

Step 2: Add Chicken bones into boiling water, and then pour into a saucepan containing three litters of water to stew. Then give a teaspoon of pepper + a tablespoon of salt, seasoning, sugar alum, fish sauce. In the process of bone stew, set medium heat, uncovered and often skim foam (stew from two hours to three hours).

*** Make dipping sauce: a tablespoon of roasted white sesame + a tablespoon seasoning + a tablespoon of broth, stir them well.

Put all kind of mushrooms you have on pot, using hot with noodles, Chrysanthemum vegetables and finally, you finished one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes already. Use this dish with all the seafood you prepare on the ingredients part. It is more delicious when use with your family. Hope you have a good appetite. Good luck for your cooking.

Mushroom Hotpot - Lau Nam
From Vietnamese Food Team.


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    Christina 2015-02-24 23:58:25 Reply

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