Today, I made Pineapple Ice-cream (Kem Dứa) which comes from many stunning Vietnamese Dessert Recipes for my beloved family. A little sweet and sour are combined together will create an amazing flavor in your mouth. If you have kids, I bet they will totally fall in love with this stuff.
Pineapple Ice –cream Recipe (Kem Dứa)
So, are you ready to discover how to make one of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes with us? Together create something new in weekend for your family and friend is the best way to show how much you love them. Let us start making right now.
300g pineapple, peeled and sliced small
120ml fresh milk
120ml whipping cream
½ teaspoon salt
Step 1: Cut off the eyes of pineapple, slice small. Marinate with ½ teaspoon salt, you can add more sugar if you love sweet. Mix well and wait in 1 hour.
Step 2: Mix fresh milk, whipping cream and sliced pineapple in grinder machine well. Next, pour into clean bowl, use wood spoon to mix well again.
Step 3: Here is the important step to create one of amazing Vietnamese Dessert Recipes. Use nylon bag to cover it carefully. Put into fridge.
Step 4: Wait in 2 – 3 hours. Next, use wood spoon to mix well. If you have mixer machine, use it for mix this mixture.
Step 5: Cover it again and put in fridge once more time. Repeat this step again for few times and you already finish it.
Finally, you can serve one of stunning Vietnamese Dessert Recipes like this one for all members in family. How do you feel? It is really interesting and tasty, right? Hope you have a good appetite and Good Luck for your Cooking.
tc3b4i > chc3bangefbbbf tc3b4i, be1bb8dn tc3b4i, te1bba5i tc3b4i. However, chc3bang tc3b4iefbbbf is ptolie ^_^. And, be1bb8dn tc3b4i or te1bba5i tc3b4i is not ptolie ^_^.
I meant to comment on your preuvois post, but school is kickin' my bootay and I am dog tired. Seriously dragging.Ugh!Anyway, I love, LOVE the National Treasure movies!I'm glad y'all have a nice visit/vacay - be safe. :D :// [url=://lqsxeyqd
Al - Amy and Archie,You guys are a beautiful cuploe and the artistry of the Photographer was the best I've had the experience to see. He captured the magic of that day. When I look at the pictures I see some things for the very first time and WOW!
Cao was the best tour guide i've had in all my travels! when we met him and papa hanh in nha trang we were a bit unusre about the trip, but deciding to go on the tour with Cao was the best decision we made during our entire 2 months in vietnam. We ha
Melanie 2014-02-24 05:16:40
Chef Yuen 2014-02-24 05:16:40
Hi Melanie :).
Shavonmz 2015-02-23 11:21:05
Ginny Hobbs August 22, 2011 - 2:26 am If a bowl of soup connects one with falimy traditions, so be it! C.V. certainl
Ajay 2015-02-24 04:35:03
tc3b4i > chc3bangefbbbf tc3b4i, be1bb8dn tc3b4i, te1bba5i tc3b4i. However, chc3bang tc3b4iefbbbf is ptolie ^_^. And, be1bb8dn tc3b4i or te1bba5i tc3b4i is not ptolie ^_^.
Rodrigo 2015-02-25 02:57:31
I meant to comment on your preuvois post, but school is kickin' my bootay and I am dog tired. Seriously dragging.Ugh!Anyway, I love, LOVE the National Treasure movies!I'm glad y'all have a nice visit/vacay - be safe. :D :// [url=://lqsxeyqd
Hasem 2015-02-25 07:33:23
Al - Amy and Archie,You guys are a beautiful cuploe and the artistry of the Photographer was the best I've had the experience to see. He captured the magic of that day. When I look at the pictures I see some things for the very first time and WOW!
Noor 2015-02-25 13:52:19
Cao was the best tour guide i've had in all my travels! when we met him and papa hanh in nha trang we were a bit unusre about the trip, but deciding to go on the tour with Cao was the best decision we made during our entire 2 months in vietnam. We ha