Beef Hindshank Soup with Star Fruit (Canh Bắp Bò Nấu Khế) is one of simple Vietnamese Soup Recipes from our country. However, its flavor is really spectacular. In hot days, you can use this soup with boiled rice. A little sour from star fruit and sweet from beef will bring an amazing flavor in your mouth. Moreover, you can easily find these whole ingredients in Vietnamese Markets.
Beef Hindshank Soup with Star Fruit.
So, are you ready to cook one of stunning Vietnamese Soup Recipes like this dish? Make sure that you already take note this dish on your cooking book and please follow our instructions below carefully.
300gr Beef Hindshank
2 Star Fruits
Spring Onion, Vietnamese Mint, Dried Purple Onion
Salt, Maggi’s stuff, sugar, pepper.
Even here is one of simple Vietnamese Soup Recipes, you still should not neglect when cooking. Ready our instructions carefully before making step by step.
Step 1: Clean beef hindshank with water added a little salt. Then, put in fridge about 5 minutes. And slice thin.
Step 2: Clean Star fruit, slice into star shapes.
Step 3: Put beef hindshank + water into pot, cook about 5 – 7 minutes.
Step 4: Next, add more sliced star fruit into pot, season with 1 teaspoon salt, cook until beef becomes soft.
Step 5: Season with 1 teaspoon Maggi’s stuff, cook more 3 minutes. Turn off the heat, add more sliced spring onion, Vietnamese mint into pot.
Finally, your dish is ready to serve. Using this dish with boiled rice is amazing. With me, from the first time when eating this soup, I can not forget its flavor. So pure and fresh. Hope you like this dish and do not forget to visit our website to see more amazing Vietnamese Soup Recipes next time. Good Luck for your Cooking.