Pumpkin and mushroom hot soup is one of delicious Vietnamese Recipes Vegetarian. This soup is quite strange, but the way to cook is simple, and materials are easy to buy. Soup has sweet taste, the sweetness of the pumpkin, fleshy taste of peanuts, feel the brittle of mushrooms.
In full moon, and Buddhist day, this dish is absolutely the best for you to cook and eat from many Vietnamese Recipes Vegetarian. Now, let us follow this instruction below.

- 400g pumpkin
- 100g fried peanuts
- 100g mushrooms

- 1/2 plant leek
- 1/2 tablespoon pepper
- Seasoning, cooking oil
-Some coriander.


Step 1

- Peeled pumpkin, and cut small cubes. Soaked peanuts, peeled cover pumpkin.
- Soaked mushrooms in salt, washed, cut in half.
- Chopped coriander. Sliced ​​leeks thin round.

Step 2

- Put pot on the stove. Add peanuts in water (enough) to cook, add pumpkin to cook, and then add seasoning to suit your taste.

Step 3: In order to cook better taste for one of delicious Vietnamese Recipes Vegetarian, you must follow this step carefully.
- Heat for 1 tablespoon oil in a pan, fried leeks unstill fragrant, then fried mushrooms, add little seasonings and pepper. Cooked mushrooms, poured pumpkin soup pot, set big heat, skim foam, seasoning to suit your taste.
- Before you turn off the heat, sprinkle coriander on top of the pan.

To sum up, you serve this dish with steamed rice, and other vegetarian dishes. It’s better when eat hot, and enjoy with your family. There still have many other Vietnamese Recipes Vegetarian from us. Hope you ca wait to see more. Good luck with your cooking.

From Vietnamese Food Team


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